Vodnik za Jamón Ibérico

Guide for Jamón Ibérico

Vodnik za Jamón Ibérico

Tri ključni dejavniki, ki določajo etiketo Jamón Ibérico:

  1. Odstotek iberske pasme: Za iberske prašiče se štejejo vsi, katerih certificirana iberska pasma je v odstotku 50, 75 ali 100 %. Ta odstotek pasme je pridobljen iz čistosti pasme njegovih staršev.

  2. Vzreja: Vzrejo prašičev lahko izvajamo na dva načina. Po eni strani ga je mogoče gojiti na prostosti na optimalnih pašnikih za življenje prašiča. Po drugi strani pa se lahko vzreja izvaja na farmah.

  3. Krmljenje: Krmljenje prašiča je bistveno za končne lastnosti pršuta. Ta prehrana je lahko naravna in temelji na travah in zeliščih, ki so prisotna na pašniku, domačem želodu iz hrastov na pašniku v sezoni montanera (od novembra do februarja), umetni krmi itd.Na podlagi teh meril in njihove konkretne kombinacije se določi uradna klasifikacija vrst iberskega pršuta.

Na podlagi zgoraj navedenih meril so se v Španiji po kraljevem dekretu (Real Decreto) marca leta 2014 določili 4 uradne vrste iberskega pršuta. Vsak od njih je zlahka prepoznaven zaradi barve etikete. Predstavljene so kot: bela etiketa, zelena etiketa, rdeča etiketa in črna etiketa.

Vsaka etiketa predstavlja različno stopnjo kakovosti in okusa, kar ponuja edinstveno kulinarično doživetje. Uživajte v teh vrhunskih pršutih, ročno rezanih za popoln okus.

Raziščite našo ponudbo in prinesite okus Španije na vašo mizo.

Three key factors that determine the label of Jamón Ibérico:

1. Percentage of Iberian breed: Iberian pigs are considered to be those with a certified Iberian breed percentage of 50%, 75%, or 100%. This breed percentage is derived from the purity of their parents' breed.

2. Breeding: The breeding of pigs can be carried out in two ways. On one hand, they can be raised freely on optimal pastures for the life of the pig. On the other hand, breeding can be done on farms.

3. Feeding: The feeding of the pig is essential for the final characteristics of the ham. This diet can be natural and based on grasses and herbs present in the pasture, acorns from oak trees in the pasture during the montanera season (from November to February), artificial feed, etc. Based on these criteria and their specific combination, the official classification of types of Iberian ham is determined.

Based on the above criteria, four official types of Iberian ham were established in Spain by royal decree (Real Decreto) in March 2014. Each of them is easily recognizable by the color of the label. They are presented as: white label, green label, red label, and black label.

Each label represents a different level of quality and taste, offering a unique culinary experience. Enjoy these premium hams, hand-sliced for perfect flavor.

Explore our selection and bring the taste of Spain to your table.

Tri ključni dejavniki, ki določajo etiketo Jamón Ibérico:

  1. Odstotek iberske pasme: Za iberske prašiče se štejejo vsi, katerih certificirana iberska pasma je v odstotku 50, 75 ali 100 %. Ta odstotek pasme je pridobljen iz čistosti pasme njegovih staršev.

  2. Vzreja: Vzrejo prašičev lahko izvajamo na dva načina. Po eni strani ga je mogoče gojiti na prostosti na optimalnih pašnikih za življenje prašiča. Po drugi strani pa se lahko vzreja izvaja na farmah.

  3. Krmljenje: Krmljenje prašiča je bistveno za končne lastnosti pršuta. Ta prehrana je lahko naravna in temelji na travah in zeliščih, ki so prisotna na pašniku, domačem želodu iz hrastov na pašniku v sezoni montanera (od novembra do februarja), umetni krmi itd.Na podlagi teh meril in njihove konkretne kombinacije se določi uradna klasifikacija vrst iberskega pršuta.

Na podlagi zgoraj navedenih meril so se v Španiji po kraljevem dekretu (Real Decreto) marca leta 2014 določili 4 uradne vrste iberskega pršuta. Vsak od njih je zlahka prepoznaven zaradi barve etikete. Predstavljene so kot: bela etiketa, zelena etiketa, rdeča etiketa in črna etiketa.

Vsaka etiketa predstavlja različno stopnjo kakovosti in okusa, kar ponuja edinstveno kulinarično doživetje. Uživajte v teh vrhunskih pršutih, ročno rezanih za popoln okus.

Raziščite našo ponudbo in prinesite okus Španije na vašo mizo.

Bela etiketa

50 %, 75%, 100% Jamon de Cebo . Najbolj ekonomičen nakup iberskega pršuta. Pridobljena je iz 50 % prašičev iberske pasme. Ti prašiči so vzrejeni na za to opremljenih farmah, krmljeni z naravno krmo. Njihova proizvodnja je bolj množična kot druge vrste iberskega pršuta in cenejša, zato so najbolj ekonomična vrsta iberskega pršuta. Kljub temu so odlični pršuti daleč nad pršuti Serrano, predvsem po zaslugi pasme prašičev. Odlična in ekonomična možnost za uživanje dobrega pršuta s črnim parkljem.

Zelo pomembno je razumevanje iberske pasme da jo ne zamenjamo za Cerdo blanco, oziroma po domače belo pasmo, kjer pršute pridobljene iz teh pasem kategorizirajo po kvaliteti kot- Bodega, Reserva in Gran Reserva glede na čas zorenja (nad 9, 12 ali 15 mesecev).

Zelena etiketa

50 %, 75% ali 100% iberski jamón Cebo de Campo, izjemoma najdemo tudi verzije 75% in 100%. Ti iberski pršuti izvirajo iz 50 % iberskih prašičev. Vzgojeni so na svobodi in večino leta uživajo na pašniku in njegovih pašnikih. Vendar pa jih v obdobju montanera ločijo in odpeljejo na kmetijo, kjer preživijo nekaj mesecev in se v tem obdobju hranijo z naravno krmo, običajno na osnovi žit so pa tdi primeri paše na prostem do pomladi, ti primerki se imenujejo Cebo de Campo de Primavera. Cena teh pršutov je na pol poti med rdečo in belo etiketo sam priporočam nakup okoli 250€. 

Ti pršuti so polni odtenkov in marmoriranosti ki izhajajo iz življenja živali na svobodi, a brez vonja po želodu in suhem sadju. Odlična možnost za pokušino visokokakovostnih španskih iberskih pršutov.

Rdeča etiketa

50% ali 75 % iberske pasme, hranjene z želodom. Druga sorta na lestvici. Tako kot pri sorti črne etikete so prašiči prosto vzrejeni na pašnikih, pri čemer uživajo naravno prehrano, ki jo ponujajo njihovi pašniki in želod v obdobju zorenja. Glavna razlika je v pasmi prašičev. Pršut rdeče etikete prihaja iz 50 % – 75 % prašičev iberske pasme. 

Njegova kakovost, nianse želoda in oreščkov ter visoka koncentracija oleinske kisline nimajo kaj zavidati kategoriji premier kupimo jih lahko po bolj ugodni ceni.

Črna etiketa

100 % iberski jamon, hranjena z želodom. Je najkakovostnejša sorta, najbolj ekskluzivna in tudi najdražja. Ta jamon je narejena iz 100 % iberskih prašičev, prosto vzrejenih na pašniku in hranjenih z naravnimi travami in želodom v obdobjih montanera. Bogat z odtenki, kot so arome želoda in orehov, svilnato in marmorirano meso ter intenzivno rdeča barva. 

Brez dvoma, kralj Ibercev in edini ki se imenuje Pata negra. 

V črno etiketo spadajo tudi mesnine Morcón in Lomo.

Guide for Jamón Ibérico

Three key factors that determine the label of Jamón Ibérico:

1. Percentage of Iberian breed: Iberian pigs are considered to be those with a certified Iberian breed percentage of 50%, 75%, or 100%. This breed percentage is derived from the purity of their parents' breed.

2. Breeding: The breeding of pigs can be carried out in two ways. On one hand, they can be raised freely on optimal pastures for the life of the pig. On the other hand, breeding can be done on farms.

3. Feeding: The feeding of the pig is essential for the final characteristics of the ham. This diet can be natural and based on grasses and herbs present in the pasture, acorns from oak trees in the pasture during the montanera season (from November to February), artificial feed, etc. Based on these criteria and their specific combination, the official classification of types of Iberian ham is determined.

Based on the above criteria, four official types of Iberian ham were established in Spain by royal decree (Real Decreto) in March 2014. Each of them is easily recognizable by the color of the label. They are presented as: white label, green label, red label, and black label.

Each label represents a different level of quality and taste, offering a unique culinary experience. Enjoy these premium hams, hand-sliced for perfect flavor.

Explore our selection and bring the taste of Spain to your table.

Bela etiketa

50 %, 75%, 100% Jamon de Cebo . Najbolj ekonomičen nakup iberskega pršuta. Pridobljena je iz 50 % prašičev iberske pasme. Ti prašiči so vzrejeni na za to opremljenih farmah, krmljeni z naravno krmo. Njihova proizvodnja je bolj množična kot druge vrste iberskega pršuta in cenejša, zato so najbolj ekonomična vrsta iberskega pršuta. Kljub temu so odlični pršuti daleč nad pršuti Serrano, predvsem po zaslugi pasme prašičev. Odlična in ekonomična možnost za uživanje dobrega pršuta s črnim parkljem.

Zelo pomembno je razumevanje iberske pasme da jo ne zamenjamo za Cerdo blanco, oziroma po domače belo pasmo, kjer pršute pridobljene iz teh pasem kategorizirajo po kvaliteti kot- Bodega, Reserva in Gran Reserva glede na čas zorenja (nad 9, 12 ali 15 mesecev).

White Label

50%, 75%, 100% Jamón de Cebo. The most economical purchase of Iberian ham. It is obtained from pigs with 50% Iberian breed. These pigs are raised on equipped farms and fed with natural feed. Their production is more massive than other types of Iberian ham and less expensive, making them the most economical type of Iberian ham. Nevertheless, they are excellent hams, far superior to Serrano hams, mainly due to the pig breed. An excellent and economical option for enjoying good ham with black hooves.

It is very important to understand the Iberian breed to avoid confusing it with Cerdo blanco, or the white breed. Hams obtained from these breeds are categorized by quality as Bodega, Reserva, and Gran Reserva based on the aging time (over 9, 12, or 15 months).

White Label

50%, 75%, 100% Jamón de Cebo. The most economical purchase of Iberian ham. It is obtained from pigs with 50% Iberian breed. These pigs are raised on equipped farms and fed with natural feed. Their production is more massive than other types of Iberian ham and less expensive, making them the most economical type of Iberian ham. Nevertheless, they are excellent hams, far superior to Serrano hams, mainly due to the pig breed. An excellent and economical option for enjoying good ham with black hooves.

It is very important to understand the Iberian breed to avoid confusing it with Cerdo blanco, or the white breed. Hams obtained from these breeds are categorized by quality as Bodega, Reserva, and Gran Reserva based on the aging time (over 9, 12, or 15 months).

Zelena etiketa

50 %, 75% ali 100% iberski jamón Cebo de Campo, izjemoma najdemo tudi verzije 75% in 100%. Ti iberski pršuti izvirajo iz 50 % iberskih prašičev. Vzgojeni so na svobodi in večino leta uživajo na pašniku in njegovih pašnikih. Vendar pa jih v obdobju montanera ločijo in odpeljejo na kmetijo, kjer preživijo nekaj mesecev in se v tem obdobju hranijo z naravno krmo, običajno na osnovi žit so pa tdi primeri paše na prostem do pomladi, ti primerki se imenujejo Cebo de Campo de Primavera. Cena teh pršutov je na pol poti med rdečo in belo etiketo sam priporočam nakup okoli 250€. 

Ti pršuti so polni odtenkov in marmoriranosti ki izhajajo iz življenja živali na svobodi, a brez vonja po želodu in suhem sadju. Odlična možnost za pokušino visokokakovostnih španskih iberskih pršutov.

Green Label

50%, 75%, or 100% Iberian Jamón Cebo de Campo, with versions of 75% and 100% being exceptional. These Iberian hams originate from 50% Iberian pigs. They are raised freely and spend most of the year on the pasture. However, during the montanera period, they are separated and taken to the farm, where they spend a few months and are fed natural feed, usually grain-based. There are also cases of grazing in the open until spring, known as Cebo de Campo de Primavera. The price of these hams is halfway between the red and white labels; I recommend purchasing around €250.

These hams are full of nuances and marbling, derived from the free life of the animals, but without the aroma of acorns and dried fruit. An excellent option for tasting high-quality Spanish Iberian hams.

Green Label

50%, 75%, or 100% Iberian Jamón Cebo de Campo, with versions of 75% and 100% being exceptional. These Iberian hams originate from 50% Iberian pigs. They are raised freely and spend most of the year on the pasture. However, during the montanera period, they are separated and taken to the farm, where they spend a few months and are fed natural feed, usually grain-based. There are also cases of grazing in the open until spring, known as Cebo de Campo de Primavera. The price of these hams is halfway between the red and white labels; I recommend purchasing around €250.

These hams are full of nuances and marbling, derived from the free life of the animals, but without the aroma of acorns and dried fruit. An excellent option for tasting high-quality Spanish Iberian hams.

Rdeča etiketa

50% ali 75 % iberske pasme, hranjene z želodom. Druga sorta na lestvici. Tako kot pri sorti črne etikete so prašiči prosto vzrejeni na pašnikih, pri čemer uživajo naravno prehrano, ki jo ponujajo njihovi pašniki in želod v obdobju zorenja. Glavna razlika je v pasmi prašičev. Pršut rdeče etikete prihaja iz 50 % – 75 % prašičev iberske pasme. 

Njegova kakovost, nianse želoda in oreščkov ter visoka koncentracija oleinske kisline nimajo kaj zavidati kategoriji premier kupimo jih lahko po bolj ugodni ceni.

Red Label

50% or 75% Iberian breed, acorn-fed. This is the second variety on the scale. Like the black label variety, these pigs are freely raised on pastures, enjoying the natural diet offered by their pastures and acorns during the fattening period. The main difference lies in the breed of the pigs. Red label ham comes from pigs that are 50% to 75% Iberian breed.

Its quality, acorn and nut nuances, and high concentration of oleic acid are not inferior to the premier category, and it can be purchased at a more affordable price.

Red Label

50% or 75% Iberian breed, acorn-fed. This is the second variety on the scale. Like the black label variety, these pigs are freely raised on pastures, enjoying the natural diet offered by their pastures and acorns during the fattening period. The main difference lies in the breed of the pigs. Red label ham comes from pigs that are 50% to 75% Iberian breed.

Its quality, acorn and nut nuances, and high concentration of oleic acid are not inferior to the premier category, and it can be purchased at a more affordable price.

Črna etiketa

100 % iberski jamon, hranjena z želodom. Je najkakovostnejša sorta, najbolj ekskluzivna in tudi najdražja. Ta jamon je narejena iz 100 % iberskih prašičev, prosto vzrejenih na pašniku in hranjenih z naravnimi travami in želodom v obdobjih montanera. Bogat z odtenki, kot so arome želoda in orehov, svilnato in marmorirano meso ter intenzivno rdeča barva. 

Brez dvoma, kralj Ibercev in edini ki se imenuje Pata negra. 

V črno etiketo spadajo tudi mesnine Morcón in Lomo.

Black Label

100% Iberian jamón, acorn-fed. This is the highest quality variety, the most exclusive, and also the most expensive. This jamón is made from 100% Iberian pigs, freely raised on pasture and fed with natural grasses and acorns during the montanera period. It is rich in nuances, such as the aromas of acorns and nuts, with silky, marbled meat and an intense red color.

Without a doubt, the king of the Iberians and the only one that can be called Pata Negra.

The black label also includes meats like Morcón and Lomo.

Black Label

100% Iberian jamón, acorn-fed. This is the highest quality variety, the most exclusive, and also the most expensive. This jamón is made from 100% Iberian pigs, freely raised on pasture and fed with natural grasses and acorns during the montanera period. It is rich in nuances, such as the aromas of acorns and nuts, with silky, marbled meat and an intense red color.

Without a doubt, the king of the Iberians and the only one that can be called Pata Negra.

The black label also includes meats like Morcón and Lomo.

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